Understanding the Reasons behind Battery Troubles and Ways to Prevent them

car batteryTake a moment to think about what you do when you slide into your car. First, you put your key into the ignition and start the engine. Next, you probably turn on the air conditioner and the stereo as you begin your journey. It is your car’s battery which is responsible for providing power to all these functions, which is but only a fraction of what the battery does.

An automobile battery is a relatively low maintenance component when compared to some other parts of the car. However, it does require the occasional inspection which many motorists tend to forget or overlook. An average car battery lasts anywhere between 3-5 years. It may vary depending on the power consumption of your car, the place you live in and a host of other factors. Notwithstanding these variations, you can make your car battery last considerably longer by inculcating some battery maintenance habits in your driving schedule.

However, to understand how one can extend the service life of their batteries in Oxford, it is necessary to understand what affects it the most.

1. Temperature

Extreme temperatures on either side of the spectrum are not ideal for long battery life. In sub-zero temperatures, the battery will struggle to generate enough power. In scorching heat, it drains considerably faster. So, if you live and drive in such areas where the weather is extreme for most parts of the year, you’re likely to get reduced battery life.


  • In winters, park your car overnight inside a garage. In summers, always park it under a shade.

  • There are a lot of weather-specific batteries available in the market. Install a battery made for specific climatic conditions to get the best out of it in extreme temperatures.

2. Trip Duration

According to automobile experts, taking too many and too frequent short trips can decrease the life of a battery by as much as 30%. When one takes too many short trips, usually lesser than 15 minutes, the alternator doesn’t get enough time to charge the battery fully. Driving with a partially charged battery severely affects its service life.


  • Consolidate your trips. Club more than one short trip.

  • If you have to make a quick trip, make sure that you compensate for it later in the day by driving your car for at least 30 minutes at a stretch.

3. Usage

Overuse of too many power-hungry appliances like the heater, high-intensity fog lamps, AC, etc. drains the battery faster, especially if you’re using them when the car is in idle.


  • Use electrical appliances sparingly. Turn them off if not absolutely necessary.

  • Never run these gadgets when the car is idling. If you are getting out of your car to go to a store or gas station for even 5 minutes, remember to turn those off.

Timely and adequate battery maintenance can go a long way in ensuring a long battery life. The next time you visit a professional garage like Phillips Tyres, ask the technicians to service the battery as well. Maintenance will also ensure that it won’t break down suddenly and you won’t have to perform a regular Battery Repair Wheatley.

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